Thursday, December 20, 2007

Blog - ETTDR MS32/2007

Erk to the Diary Room (Episode 32 - Eviction 5 Review, Noms 6 preview)

I can't say that I am surprised that STB got to look at herself in the eviction mirror last night. I don't think that she will be missed by the viewers or the HM's. Gretel interviewed the boyfriend that STB has been keeping herself for. Zoltan and Thomas would have been interested to see that Ken didn't appear to be in Barbie's league. Gretel asked Mr STB how long they had been going out for and he said 6 weeks. I thought that they'd been in the house for 6 weeks so he'd been going with her only for the time she'd been in the house but I've been told this afternoon that he meant that he had been going out with her for 6 weeks before entering the house. So the guy has had 6 weeks on, 6 weeks off. And boy, did they need to get a room when they were on stage!

Anyhoo, Billy has the FNL Super Power and I think that ETB and ATB will be safe from nominations. Both intruders can nominate and be nominated for the first time so they are both easy targets. I reckon that the evictees will be RTB, Jamie the Nerd and Laura the wannabe hippie and that ETB will be saved. However, anyone who nominates ETB while Billy has the FNL Super Power is a fool.

Myspace friends: Up 1 to 132
Stand Up Update: Steady
BB Update: STB out of the house. Mirrors in the house don't need to be cleaned as often now but cameramen upset (I presume)
Erk Pod Update: "Erk to the Diary Room" episode 5 (Erk Pod 09) and Erk Pod 10 recorded today and going up soon.

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